Friday, August 24, 2007

Did “Affiliate Rockstar Status” steal its biggest idea from “AdWords180″?

Last week you probably saw all the big-name Internet gurus hawking a new ebook called Affiliate Rockstar Status!. What’s the book about? It’s about making money by promoting ClickBank affiliate products.
It’s mostly no different than any of a dozen well-hyped ebooks like Dayjob Killer!, Adwords Killer!, Adwords Miracle!, Beating Adwords!, Google MoneyPro!etc. etc. Unless you’re new to affiliate marketing, there’s probably not much in the book that will interest you. Except for one tantalizing thing: how to get cheap AdWords advertising. Now that sounds really great, and it’s the thing that everyone seems to be focusing on.
Here’s the kicker, though: the method that Affiliate Rockstar Status!.is promoting as the same method that was first described in the vastly under-promoted book Adwords180!. Unlike most of the other techniques I’ve tried out I was able to make a profit with the AdWords180 technique.
I knew it was just a matter of time before the technique started showing up in other books, of course. I’ve seen it mentioned in Adwords Killer!
, which was updated recently. I’m sure it will be a core method in any AdWords book from now on.That said, I haven’t seen these other books describe the technique in as detailed a fashion as the original Adwords180-! book. Because of this, AdWords180 is still the book I recommend to anyone seriously looking to reduce their AdWords advertising costs — and willing to use the elbow grease necessary to do so.
That’s the downfall of the AdWords180 method, though, and something that’s prevented me from doing much with it. The method depends on using AdWords site targeting and finding specific pages on the Web that meet certain criteria for traffic. Finding those pages is a real pain. What’s needed is a good tool to automate some of the tedious gruntwork.
So here’s the deal I’m going to make with you. If you buy ANY AdWords book that describes the AdWords180 technique through my affiliate link, I’ll give you a free copy of the tool once I release it. Besides Adwords180!, this includes Adwords Killer!
and Affiliate Rockstar Status!.
Of the three, the cheapest and most detailed is the original Adwords180!. because I made a special deal with the author a while back for my subscribers to let them buy a limited quantity of the book at $67. However, everyone’s needs are different and so it’s up to you to choose which book is best for you. Just make sure that the ClickBank payment screen says “[affiliate=luther13z]” at the bottom when you go to pay! Yes, the offer is retroactive: if you already bought one of these books through my link, I’ll be happy to include you in the offer.
I will also offer the tool for sale separately for those of you who already bought one of these books from someone else.
You don’t have to buy any of these books now, of course, because the tool isn’t ready. I will announce it when it is ready.
As with all my tools, this unnamed tool will work on Windows, Macintosh or Linux systems.
If you have any ideas for other tools, I’d love to hear them. I’ve been toying around with the idea of creating a membership site that gives you automatic access to all the tools I create, too, so watch for an announcement about that (if I decide to go ahead with it…)
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August 20, 2007 Filed Under AdSense
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